Backlog for campaign period - till 3rd December
ID | Title | Description | Priority | Status |
001 | Drawing tool improvements | 25 UI/UX/Performance improvements related to storytelling and gamification process | High | WIP |
002 | Implement Dark / Light themes | Implement Dark / Light themes for steps and scenarios | High | Backlog |
003 | Steps layout integration | Steps layout integration with drawing tool | High | WIP |
004 | Implement scenario Contrast | Develop Contrast scenario English and Ukrainian | High | WIP |
005 | Implement scenario Key Trauma | Develop Key Trauma scenario English and Ukrainian | High | Backlog |
006 | Scenarios translation to LV | Translate to LV 2 first scenarios Success story and Great Fear | Medium | Backlog |
007 | Scenarios translation to RU | Translate to RU 2 first scenarios Success story and Great Fear | Medium | Backlog |
008 | Scenarios translation to EE | Hire EE translator for 2 first scenarios Success story and Great Fear, implement EE pages structure | Medium | Backlog |
23 December 2024